Signs & Wonders


Sunday - 8AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Small Groups

Real Stories, Shared By Real People

Inspire and encourage others by sharing the signs, wonders, and miracles you've experienced. Just complete the form below, or scroll down to read others.


At the age of 10, my life was forever changed when I was struck by a car while attempting to cross the street on my way home from school. The memories of that day are etched in my mind like a snapshot. I remember feeling a sudden jolt as the car struck me, and everything going black. The next thing I felt was weightless, not knowing that I was soaring through the sky until landing back  on the pavement. As I got back on my feet, my vision returned and I continued running to my destination  as if nothing happened.  Witnesses tried to convince me to go to the hospital, but I refused. Despite leaving a significant dent in the front of the (steel) car, I felt no pain or discomfort. The people who witnessed the accident were stunned, and it's easy to see why. They couldn't understand how I walked away from this not only alive, but without any injuries. 


In December of 2021 I came down with Covid which led to me developing Pneumonia.  I was reluctant at first to go to the doctor until my blood oxygen level dropped to the point I could barely walk.  Upon arrival to the hospital I was admitted, and shortly after developed Atrial Fibrillation (Afib). I was told that I would be in the hospital for at least a few weeks, if not more. Even though I had experienced God's healing in the past I did not seek it initially.  As I write this, I wonder if I had chosen to accept my condition as a way to escape my life outside of the hospital. On my eighth day in the hospital an anger stirred up inside me, and I decided that I had had enough. I took off my oxygen and told the nurse that I would be leaving the hospital tomorrow. She just looked at me, smiled and said no that is not possible. That night, I told God that I no longer accepted my condition and gave it to Him before going to sleep. The next morning my blood oxygen level was normal, the Afib was gone, and my lungs were clear. As such, the hospital had to release me that evening to go home.


In 2019, the church that I was attending had a guest pastor who said God showed him there is a spirit of unbelief over it. Not long after, I asked our pastor to pray for my tinnitus. When I told him it was gone, he turned me towards the congregation to announce my healing. Suddenly, I saw a black cloud roll in engulfing the entire congregation which I believe was the demonic spirit of unbelief over the church.